Sight Attendant
Sight Attendant is an exploration of the difference between how blind and sighted people consume movies and television. While some TV shows and films have audio description for the blind, several do not. Join us as we do this by delving into the wonderful and revered catalogue of Nicolas Cage films.
48 episodes
Episode #46: Harry Potter and Jeff Weasley
The long awaited next installment of the Harry Potter as told by a guy that doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. This one was pretty tough particularly without any alcohol. Ashley pretty much carried this one and informed Jordan tha...

Episode #45: A Little Bit of Catching Up
A very laid back episode this week as we didn't really cover anything specific. Just catching up with each other and you all. We talk about a really great email we received that made our little hearts burst with joy. We also talk about...

Episode #44: Ellie Wallwork Interview
A great guest this week with Ellie Wallwork! We have covered an episode of Call the Midwife she starred in. She is an actress, a singer, and a Eurovision fan. Also she is blind. She also had a role in the film Imagine which we covered as wel...

Episode #43: Eurovision Song Contest
We went to Europe! It's.. Kinda.. We really just watched Eurovision! Which was totally awesome and totally weird. Also when you watch with friends that discuss it becomes surprisingly accessible. This is a pretty good primer for folks that h...

Episode #42: Harry Potter and the Mystery of the Chalk Brothers
It's time for Harry potter Again! This time it's the Goblet of Fire. Which is definitely not the Goblin of Fire. In this one we learn that the Chalk Brothers and the defeaters combined are still no match for our main girl Fluta Licker. Natur...

Episode #41: Dogs Without Horses
Super special guest episode this week with producer Tony! It's time to ask some questions about accessibility and their experience with movies and games of all kinds. We touch on what going to a movie theater is like and the challenges that ...

Episode #40: Russian Alexander Hamilton
Another season coming to an end here with this wrap up episode. We cover some of the brief moments in your favorite shows that featured blindness. We also run through this season and look back at how these shows all could have been so much w...
Season 2

Episode #39: Scent of a Woman
We finally did it! Scent of a Woman Time! After many requests it's here. Content warning as this film and our episode deal with self harm and suicide. Who the hell knew that Pacino won an Oscar for this? Al Pacino has always looked 100 years...
Season 2

Episode #38: British Grey's Anatomy
Spicy episode for you all this week as we watched an episode of Call the Midwife. It was all about that thing where folks assume the abilities of people with disabilities. I mean what the hell, her own sister tried to get her baby taken away ca...
Season 2

Episode #37: Curb Your Ableism
It's Curb time again this week except this time with added artificial blind flavor. We watched a few episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm that featured a blind character. As with most things and us our feelings were mixed.... Some really funny stuf...
Season 2

Episode #36: The HBO Max Episode
Well it finally happened, we did a whole ass episode on HBO max. Why you ask? Well it's because they got their dicks sued off and were literally forced to give a shit about blind folks. They did a ton of really great things but also completely ...
Season 2
Episode 13

Episode #35: Men in TIGHT tights
We are all over the place this week! It's a party because the ladies over at HBO actually pulled through with the audio description being added to their service. This excitement carried through the episode, not that it takes much for Jordan to ...
Season 2
Episode 12

Episode #34: My Blind Brother
Well this episode got a bit more serious than either of us expected, even though the movie was really great. Some great actors from Parks an and Recreation fame are in our movie this week called My Blind Brother. We explore several of the commo...
Season 2
Episode 11

Episode #33: The Puppy One
Alright y'all it's a bit of an anniversary episode this week as guide dog Frisco came into Jordan's life three years ago this month. For this episode, we watched the film Pick of the Litter. The movie covers a litter of pups moving through thei...
Season 2
Episode 10

Episode #32: Imagine
A bit of a weird one this week with a film that most of you probably can't watch. If we find a way for y'all to see it we will definitely share it. Join us at a blind school where we learn a little about sighted folks trying to tell blind folks...
Season 2
Episode 9

Episode #31: Dumb and Dumber
I'll bet y'all forgot there was a blind kid in Dumb and Dumber. Well, leave it to us to remind you. While we were both quite familiar with this national treasure already, it was still a super fun episode. Which of us is more Harry and more Lloy...
Season 2
Episode 8

Episode #30: The Cunning Linguist
It's ya bois, back at it week after week. We have a bit of a shorty for you this week BUT we have a guest in the studio for the first time ever. One of our avid listeners chats with us about In The Dark and her experience dating a blind guy in ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Episode #29: In The Dark or Actually Just Blind
Well this has been a long time coming, it's time for In The Dark. Stop reading this and go watch the first episode of this show. We've heard so much about it and were absolutely surprised by it. Being rude as a blind person is cool again. We ar...
Season 2
Episode 6

Episode #28: Gotta Get That Blind Thing Going For Me
What up, it's ya Bois, the hot blind guy and the funny gal. We back as absolute super heroes. We are both using Jordan's improved hearing and sense of smell to go off on a 40 minute tangent at the beginning of this episode. Strip clubs! Hot ins...
Season 2
Episode 5

Episode #27: Audio Description Redux
Welcome back y'all. RIP Jordan, Ashley killed him for being an asshole. Lucky for you he's got multiple lives and here be his redemption arc. This is your semi regular update on audio description. We also introduce our new regular segment where...
Season 2
Episode 4

Episode #26: Robbed Blind
Talk about robbing someone blind. It's Don't Breathe this week. There is a TW: for r*pe which we discuss VERY briefly. Audio description is back through the Spectrum access app which we discuss briefly. Also some pretty killer dog discuss...
Season 2
Episode 3

Episode #25: See You Next Tuesday
See! Is the name of this Apple TV show we watched. Like holy heck it's a world full of blind folks. We also talk about using polite words vs angry words when advocating for yourself and Others. Banana pancakes in this week's recipe corner which...
Season 2
Episode 2

Episode #24: Prestige Worldwide
BAM! Season two coming at you. We recorded this episode in international waters so we can't be prosecuted. Also it's Step Brothers in case you didn't catch the references. This episode is mostly about why the hell there is the weird blind guy j...
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode #23: Sight Attendant and the Last Hiatus Episode
Sight Attendant and the Prisoner of Things Inside a Tree. Back at you with Harry Potter this week for a final hiatus episode before season 2 begins. Time travel and being bad at remembering this movie made for a fun time, for Jordan. Ashl...

Episode #22: Sight Attendant and the Chamber of Bud Light
We are back at you with some more fun between seasons. Jordan regales us with another exciting rundown of what he recalls of the next Harry Potter film, The Chamber of Secrets. Christmas time is here and somehow Jordan wasn't hungover ...